
atelier mark vaghei launches new web site


Westwood, CA

New AV Logo - words - medium

atelier V’s new Logo

In the month of November, atelier V, Inc. launched a new identity package further enhancing its image as a personal service company with a “Flat” project management delivery system. You will now see the names atelier V and atelier Mark Vaghei used interchangeably.  The new identity is symbolized through the launch of a new web site as well as a new company Logo.  The new web site (www.atelierv.com) is a technologically progressive yet simple to use portal linking the firm to its clients and public at large.  The new web site can now be viewed across all platforms including iOS , Android and all mobile devices with an elegant design and simple to use menu structure which encourages deep exploration of the firm’s work without an “in your face” user interface.  “It was really a massive task as our original site was extremely content rich and hundreds of hours were required to convert it to the new format but at the end it was time well spent.  Our clients can now view our site across all platforms without the need for Adobe Flash making for an all and all more robust experience.” Says Mark Vaghei, AIA.

In the Home Page of the site, a continuous slide show takes the viewer through selected projects of the firm while at anytime, one can scroll down to view the all important 7 principles of our practice.  Upon further interest, the user can click on any passing image to view the details of the selected project.  Alternatively, a user can go directly to the project tab and see a vignette of all projects or choose by any of the given categories to narrow the search.  Again, a simple click on any vignette will take the user into project details.  All projects have the associated explanatory text and stats, as well as images and drawings that can be accessed directly or by simply scrolling down the page.  VEWS, atelier V’s Blog is accessed directly from the upper right hand menu.  As usual, VEWS will bring our readers important and current news about the Firm’s projects, as well as general architecture and design related news and commentary.New Website

screenshot of the new Home page

Please note that under contact tab, atelier mark vaghei now has offices in Dubai.  Stay tuned as further announcements of the mission and projects of our new office will be forthcoming in the near future.

Please take time to explore our new web site and give us your feedback for further improvements.

We would like to thank Tabaramounien and especially Mademoiselle Yasmin Madec and Monsieur Damien Arnaud for their countless hours of collaboration and back and forth with us to bring our vision alive.  We also would like to thank Messieurs Leonardo Gonzales and Alexander Nomicos of atelier V for their contributions to this project.

Above and below images are some screenshots of the new web site’s home page, projects page and VEWS portal.


New Website.2
screenshot of the new Projects page
New Website3

Screenshot of the VEWS page